DEcision-making Capacity: Intervention Development and Evaluation in Schizophrenia-spectrum disorder
We are recruiting participants for a clinical trial called DEC:IDES. This research study is running in one site in Scotland (NHS Lothian), and two sites in England (Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust). DEC:IDES is testing new ways to help people with psychosis make decisions about their psychiatric treatment. It is a feasibility trial, which means it will help us decide whether to run a larger trial. DEC:IDES is funded by the Chief Scientist Office.

You may be able to take part in DEC:IDES if you have been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia or a related psychotic illness and may benefit from having support to make decisions about your treatment. To be able to take part, you need to be in contact with mental health services in either NHS Lothian (in Scotland), or Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust or Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (in England). An assessment with the research team will be required to confirm you are eligible to take part. Please note: not everyone who is referred -or self-refers -to the study will be eligible to take part.
Your patient may be able to take part in DEC:IDES if they have been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia or a related psychotic illness and may benefit from having support to make decisions about their treatment. To be able to take part, your patient needs to be in contact with mental health services in either NHS Lothian (in Scotland), or Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust or Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (in England). An assessment with the research team will be required to confirm your patient is eligible to take part. Please note: not everyone who is referred -or self-refers -to the study will be eligible to take part.

DEC:IDES is funded by the Chief Scientist Office, sponsored by Edinburgh Napier University and supported by a range of partner institutions throughout the UK. The DEC:IDES research team includes:
Chief Investigator: Professor Paul Hutton, Edinburgh Napier University
Principal Investigators & Site Leads:
Dr Sean Harper, NHS Lothian (Lothian); Dr James Kelly, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (Lancashire); Dr Chris Taylor, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (Pennine)
Co-Investigators: Professor Richard Emsley, King's College London; Dr Suzanne O'Rourke, University of Edinburgh; Dr Andrew Watson, NHS Lothian; Dr Peter Taylor, University of Manchester; Professors Nadine Dougall, Brian Williams, Thanos Karatzias and Jill Stavert (all Edinburgh Napier University)
Trial Manager: Dr Amanda Woodrow, Edinburgh Napier University
Research Assistants: Joseph Burke (Lothian); Anvita Vikram (Lancashire & Pennine); Orestis Zavlis (Pennine); Sonia Pamma (Pennine); Serena Guillemard (Pennine)
Trial Clinicians: Candy Ho (Lothian); Dr Angela Glasgow (Lothian); Andrea McCann (Lancashire); Dr David Saddington (Pennine)